Message from the Executive Director
The year 2022 had a very special meaning to us; it is the year we took the bold step to amplify our impact across Africa. Looking back at our journey, we have witnessed tremendous growth to which we credit to our Board, Funders, Partners, Supporters Volunteers and Staff.
We are proud to share the Cybersafe Foundation 2022 Annual Report with you. It is a glimpse of our work over the last 12 months, a compilation of our successes, stories, and growth. As you flip through its pages, I hope you will be filled with a sense of hope and pride for the people and talents in
In these pages, you will see how we are working with women and girls across Africa empowering them with employable digital skills through the DigiGirls and CyberGirls programs. You will read a number of stories about how our Foundation already inspires and empowers emerging leaders in the tech
industry. You’ll see how we are working through the NoGoFallMaga community and the Shine Your Eye initiative to prevent cybercrime across Africa.
This year we celebrate the 4th anniversary of our work as a Foundation and still wholeheartedly pledge to continuously facilitate pockets of change advancing inclusive and safe digital access in Africa.
We can’t wait to see what the next year has in store. We couldn’t do any of this without your support, and we’re so grateful to have you join us in this journey.
Confidence Staveley
Founder/Executive Director